Thank You for Your Time

Thank you for joining me for your free trial of Trauma Healing Jumpstart I hoped your found it helpful! Because I truly want to help others heal their trauma response, I would love your feedback. If you are willing, please take a few seconds to complete this 5 question anonymous survey.   About the Instructor…

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Lesson 6: Building on your new self-care habits

Previous Lesson Next Lesson “Welcome to this week’s skills lab! Let’s integrate our knowledge with practical self-care habits. Start each day by checking your schedule, prioritizing self-care. Reflect at night, celebrate small wins, and journal if it feels right. Challenge yourself with the 5-4-3-2-1 Relax Exercise, reflecting on the shifts in your energy afterward. Write…

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Lesson 5: 5-4-3-2-1 Relax

Previous Lesson Next Lesson Week Two: Lesson 5 Grounding back into our bodies Today, we explored a powerful grounding exercise to reconnect with our senses and bodies during trauma response. When our sympathetic nervous system triggers fight or flight, reconnecting becomes crucial. This exercise involved focusing on sounds, sights, and physical sensations, starting with five…

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Lesson 4: Window Of Tolerance

Previous Lesson Next Lesson Week Two: Lesson 4 Increasing our resilience Now that we’ve unwound, it’s time to delve into our ‘window of tolerance.’ Coined by Dr. Dan Siegel, it’s our sweet spot for optimal functioning. In this zone, we’re balanced, open-minded, and resilient. Signs of being in this comfort zone include mindful breathing, staying…

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Lesson 3: Exercise – regulating and relaxing

Previous Lesson Next Lesson Week Two: Lesson 3 How to relax when you’re buzzing with nervous energy In this calming exercise, let’s tackle that adrenalized energy. Find a comfy spot, remove distractions, and close your eyes or soften the gaze. Tune into your breath, the rhythm of giving and exhaling. Let distractions come and go…

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Lesson 2: De-mystifying our nervous system

Previous Lesson Next Lesson Week 2: Lesson 2 The ABC’s of our Autonomic Nervous System Today, we’re unraveling the mysteries of our body’s trauma response. By the end, you’ll grasp why and how we react physically to trauma, a crucial piece of our survival puzzle. This knowledge, coupled with a little patience and daily practice,…

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Lesson 1: Step by step

Previous Lesson Next Lesson Week 2: Lesson 1 Building on our foundation: Hey there! Welcome back to Week 2 of your healing journey. Give yourselves a pat on the back for showing up and committing to your growth. Last week, we laid the foundation—understanding trauma, responses, and building healthy habits. High fives for the progress!…

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Lesson 6: Reflection

Previous Lesson Next Lesson Week One: Lesson 6 Congratulations on completing Week One! Now, let’s reflect on our journey so far and set the stage for the next steps. In our first week, we delved into a wealth of knowledge and skills to reshape our coping mechanisms. For Week 2, we’re translating this learning into…

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Lesson 5: First Healing Exercerscise – Deep Breathing

Previous Lesson Next Lesson What is trauma response and how is that different from trauma itself? When threatened the oldest part of our brain and nervous system goes into survival mode. This is trauma response. Download the handout “What is Trauma Response” for details on the many ways trauma response manifests itself in our bodies…

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Lesson 4: De-Mystifying the EFFECT of Trauma & Trauma Response

Previous Lesson Next Lesson Week One: Lesson 4 Trauma Response: How we respond to traumatic events When threatened the oldest part of our brain and nervous system goes into survival mode. This is trauma response. Download the handout “What is Trauma Response” for details on the many ways trauma response manifests itself in our bodies…

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Lesson 3: De-Mystifying Trauma

Previous Lesson Next Lesson Week One: Lesson 3 What is trauma? Trauma is described in the dictionary as a deeply distressing or disturbing experience In this lesson, we will learn the different categories of trauma and the types of experiences that can –  individually or jointly – can manifest as trauma.   About the Instructor…

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Lesson 2: Next Step – Building Trust

Previous Lesson Next Lesson Week One: Lesson 2 Before we can heal, we need to build trust. Trust in me, trust in the program and trust in yourself. A key step in building trust is to set expectations. This video helps define what you can expect from this program. About the Instructor Eva M Medcroft, TICC,…

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Lesson 1: Your First Big Step

Previous Lesson Next Lesson Week One: Lesson 1 Healing Foundations This week, we will: Learn a few basics about what trauma is, what trauma PTSD and trauma response and what causes. Begin the practices that will see results. Set the structure for how each lesson, including starting each by celebrating wins to load up on…

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Lesson 5: Reflection

Loading… Previous Lesson Next Lesson Orientation: Lesson 5 Thank you for joining me on this journey! Through this orientation, we are setting up for success over the next 6 weeks. Keep in mind, everyone is unique and you may feel you still have a lot of questions and may feel a myriad of feelings. That’s…

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Lesson 4: Tips for getting the most out of this program

Previous Lesson Next Lesson Orientation: Lesson 4 Tips for Healing Success In order for you to get the most out of your Trauma Healing,  it is important to understand roles and responsibilities and  you agree to make the following commitments.  And don’t forget to download your prep checklist 🙂 Your Commitment to The Program Includes: Reading…

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