Week 2: Lesson 1
Building on our foundation:
Hey there! Welcome back to Week 2 of your healing journey.
Give yourselves a pat on the back for showing up and committing to your growth.
Last week, we laid the foundation—understanding trauma, responses, and building healthy habits. High fives for the progress!
In today's session, we'll delve into our nervous system, senses, and energy. We're tuning into subtle shifts, understanding our unique responses, identifying triggers, and regaining control faster. We'll explore the 'window of tolerance'—why it matters and how to expand it. But first, let's kick off with our feel-good activity to load up on those endorphins! Are you ready? Let the good vibes roll!

Eva M Medcroft, TICC, CHC, CLC
Certified Trauma-Informed Coach
After years of struggling with my own trauma and the self-sabotage and people pleasing that comes with it, I decided to take control of my life and heal my body from the inside out. This led me to getting certified as a trauma -informed coach, life coach and health coach. Now I use those same powerful techniques to help others heal themselves and find their inner peace.