Lesson 5: Reflection

Loading… Previous Lesson Next Lesson Orientation: Lesson 5 Thank you for joining me on this journey! Through this orientation, we are setting up for success over the next 6 weeks. Keep in mind, everyone is unique and you may feel you still have a lot of questions and may feel a myriad of feelings. That’s…

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Lesson 4: Tips for getting the most out of this program

Previous Lesson Next Lesson Orientation: Lesson 4 Tips for Healing Success In order for you to get the most out of your Trauma Healing,  it is important to understand roles and responsibilities and  you agree to make the following commitments.  And don’t forget to download your prep checklist 🙂 Your Commitment to The Program Includes: Reading…

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Lesson 3: What You Can Expect

Previous Lesson Next Lesson Orientation: Lesson 3 What you can expect over the next 6 weeks: Click here to schedule your 45 minute one-on-one with me to help you with your unique healing roadmap so you know what steps to take in the next 45 days and beyond. I ask that you call from a quiet,…

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Lesson 2: Course Disclaimer

Previous Lesson Next Lesson Orientation: Lesson 2 Course Disclaimer Disclaimer. Call 9-1-1 if you are having a medical or mental health emergency. Download the Crisis Hotline Resource document for multiple national hotlines for 24/7 support. Even if you don’t think you need it, it is good to have it available just in case. Also, download…

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Lesson 1: Welcome!

Back to Course Outline Next Lesson Orientation: Lesson 1 Welcome to your healing journey! Welcome to your 45 Trauma Healing Jumpstart! Let me introduce myself and why I developed this program… About the Instructor Eva M Medcroft, TICC, CHC, CLC Certified Trauma-Informed Coach After years of struggling with my own trauma and the self-sabotage and…

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